Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Talk about a crashing computer!

Yeah, so a few days after I started my blog, the internet went down! I mean, what the hell?? >.<

By the way, have you heard of SOPA? It's a bill going on today, and if it passes, the internet could be changed forever. And basically rendered useless. Goodbye, hours of manga-reading online and anime-watching.

So, if you haven't heard about it (which you should have, if you have Tumblr or you've been on Wikipedia today), then I suggest you Google it. If it passes, get ready to hear some RAGE!

So my day has been overly boring as I scroll down Facebook, wishing Tumblr was up. And RoleplayGateway. But there isn't much else to do in my life, except reading watching Hetalia.

Hell yeah he is.

Goodbye, my fellow munchkins!