Wednesday, 28 September 2011

So today, I decided I'd read the Harry Potter series. Now, being British, I thought I should do this in a totally over-british way. By sipping tea and having tea biscuits at the same time. Stereotypical, right? So anyways, here I am, on the Prisoner of Azkaban, laughing my bloody head off. And why?

Because of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. And Snape. Now, Harry hands his map (The Marauder's map) to Snape, who tries to open it (OPEN SESAME!!), and fails. Instead, he gets insulted by the bloody thing. I. Want. That. Map.

And I want it to work. Duh.

But I have come to the conclusion that Remus Lupin is amazing and my third favourite Harry Potter character. First is Dobby, second is Sirius.

Also, today, me, Winter, comma, discovered Live Lounge. I mean, I knew it was there. I just never listened to it. Now, I have almost every cover by artists. And I'm happy happy happy.

So, while I sip my tea, I bid you 'Adieu', my fellow munchkins!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Keep Calm, Take a Cookie

Today, I heard one of the best life mottos. Ever. So, me and my friend, Jeannie, were walking down the street, and I was totally stressing about something useless. As I do, you know? Anyways, Jeannie offers me her pack of Mini-Digestives and says:
"Keep calm, Winter! Take a cookie."
And I freaked over the awesomeness of her awesomeness. Everyone in the street looked at me as I shouted out that she just gave me a great life motto.

On another note, this is my first post! Weird, huh? Well, to tell you the truth, the one thing I really wanted to talk about was turtles. No, really, I seriously wanted my first post ever to be on turtles. But I decided instead that my last post would be about turtle. So be warned, my fellow munchkins.

Ah, also, since this is my first post, you probably want to know something about me.
Umm, okay. My name is Winter Grace (Grace is my middle name). Two of my favourite things to do is, well to be honest, read manga and play games. I am currently playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (So if you have any tips, gimme gimme gimme!) and my life is a total rocket of awesomeness.

And I really like the word awesomeness.
Well, I've got to go!

Goodbye, my fellow munchkins!

PS: I like hats too...